To link a job to the accounting system, select your job and click the edit button, then navigate to the Accounting system integration tab.

You have three options here with the three buttons, to the right of each line:

Link to:

If your job number is already set up in the accounting system, you can select the existing job from the drop down menu, after selecting this pre-existing job, you can hit the "link to" button, which will link your Buildlogic job to the existing accounting system record.

Create Job: 

This button will assume the job has not yet been created in the accounting system, it will create the job number and link the job to the accounting system.

Remove Link:

 This will remove the jobs existing link to the accounting system

You'll notice there are 3 different drop down menus on the left, each with their own icons. This allows a user to link to a different accounting system for income, expense and payroll, if required. If you want to link income and expense to the same accounting system file, you can just link/send from the income (top) line and this will apply the same to the expense selection.

If you want to link income and expense to different files, you should select the second company file from the drop down menus on the left, before you hit the link to or create job buttons and hit the save button.  


Once your job is linked you will see the link icon against your job in the job list.

NOTE: to link with an existing job in the Accounting System the job number must be identical in Buildlogic and in the Accounting System.