When a Lump Sum or Design & Construct Job is set up in Buildlogic, it is usually set up the way you construct. For example, by trades. Many clients will ask to have their progress claim set up in a different way – by Level, combined trades, etc. This is where claim stages can be used.
For written instructions please refer to the below:
Highlight the Job and select Edit. Go to the Tab called Claim Stages. Tick the box beside "Claim by Stage" (top right). On this Tab you can create your stages the way you want to produce your Progress Claim. To set the claim stage click on "New" and complete the details and click on Save. Repeat the process until you have completed the last stage. Highlight the last stage and Click on the "Other functions menu and select "Auto calculate balance on selected row". The Balance field needs to be blank (as per below snip)
The Asterisk* fields need to be populated. If you enter a percentage it will automatically populate the $ field.
Two critical requirements are you must balance to your Original Contract Value and tick the box top of the screen (claim by stage) so that when you open the Progress Claim, this structure is used.