When a budget has been entered into a trade as a single figure and you need to move some of that budget to another trade or only want to commit a portion of the budget to an Order or Contract, you can split a budget. How do I split a Budget?


  1. Go into a Project and open up the Trade where the budget is that you need to split.
  2. Tick the box on the left of detail line that you want to split then select the Other functions button.  


  1. On selecting to split budget option, a blank line is inserted under the line you are splitting.
  2. You can now type into this line the information you require including description, cost code and reference code and the amount.
  3. Notice that the extension on the line you split from has been reduced by the value you put in the split line.   
  4. Depending on your permissions, this split line could be added to a Purchase Order or Contract or it could be transferred to another Trade via the Move Item function which is also in the Other functions dropdown list.


Note: You can split the original figure multiple times back to zero,

Note: You CANNOT use the original budget line once it has been split. You must keep splitting it.


At the end of this exercise, please go to the initials at the top right of screen -  and select Log off.