Setting up Cost and Ref codes in Cubit
*Reference coding requires Cubit Professional
Buildlogic can import cost and reference codes from Cubit directly into our estimate and rate breakup details.
Reference codes can be imported into Cubit via a csv file. The format of the csv file is Ref code in column 1 and Reference description is column 2. This csv file can be created by formatting the excel export of the Reference codes.
A Buildlogic admin user can export the reference codes from System > Lists > Reference Codes - Above the table you'll notice an 'Export To' menu. Open this and export to XLSX. Remove all the header lines, I.e. 'Preliminaries' heading for example, you just want the description codes.
If exporting from this area you'll notice the header lines are blank, which makes them easy to recognise.
Once you have exported and cleaned up the excel file, save it as a .csv file by hitting 'save as' in the excel document and changing the 'save as type' to .csv
Please note, follow these steps in order.
- Open Cubit
- Click on the Codes button
- Select the Rate tab
- Add some new groups like the image below –
- Either import your lists from the created csv files from Buildlogic or manually enter them.
- When the Ref codes list group is selected, tick the R2 code box at the bottom of the window and when the Cost code group is selected, tick the R code box.
- Close the codes screen
- Open any estimate and click on the Configuration tab – then the Edit columns button.
- Within the Group mapping window – select the Rate tab – when you first open this page none of the rate option lists should be ticked.
- In the R code combo box, select your cost code list.
- In the R2 code combo select the Reference code list. As you select these options the tick box besides each Group will become ticked.
- Now that your lists have been associated with the R code and R2 code the API will correctly assign them to the Cost code and Reference code list in Buildlogic.
Importing an estimate from Cubit: