1. Creating a Job from an Estimate - currently when you convert an Estimate to a Job, every line is taken across to the Job. We have added a new button that allows only lines with a rate and a quantity to go across to the job. All blank lines are removed on the conversion.
2. Buildlogic Client Administrator Information - setting up users - when setting up a new user and they are required to have access to all new jobs, there is now a new tick box in the functions section under the module called Core. By ticking this box, the user will automatically have access to all new jobs when they are set up.
3. Two New Estimate Reports - Estimate Detail & Estimate Summary by Trade with Markup - these report has been added in this release. To access these reports there is a new category under Reports/Create Reports called Estimates where you can produce the reports.
4. New Report - Budget vs Actual by Reference Code including ACV - a new report has been released in this version. It is accessible from the category
5. Buildlogic Timesheet Administrator information - sorting Confirm Timesheets - in the Confirm Timesheet screen, you can now sort by employee or job by clicking on the header at the top of each of these columns.
6. Buildlogic Timesheet Administrator Information - Confirm Timesheets additional column - as shown below, in the Confirm Timesheet screen, a new column has been added to show the line type the employee has entered. This can be changed if required before the timesheet is confirmed.