1. Save buttons on Purchase Order & Variations - You only need to press one save button when entering a Purchase Order or Variation. Enter your details and select Save or Save Changes. It you only make changes to the top Grid select the Save button or make changes in the grid select the Save Changes.
2. AS Feed Change - if a transactions comes across from the Accounting System without a Contact, you will be able to select a contact at the contact dropdown field. This happens sometimes when employees are reimbursed expenses and they do no have a supplier card in the accounting system.
3. Email Function - Jobs and Contacts - a new button has been added on the Notes tab on jobs and contracts which allows you to email with attachments if required, directly from Buildlogic. A record of the sending of the email is then recorded on the activity tab. Please have your BL Client Administrator set up a new Note Type called Email. The new button is at the top of the grid as shown below.
Note: This function will be expanded to other functions in the application over the coming months.
4. Client Administrator Function - Email Description Line - new field - a new field - [SiteAddress] can be added to the default email description lines for Purchases, Variations, Progress Claims and Contracts. These defaults can be changed under System/Settings - Default Description Tab.
5. Client Administrator Function - Setting up Users - You can now select whether a user when they sign on will go via the Dashboard or straight to the Job List. There is a new field against a user where this can be chosen. The default is Dashboard. If you want this changed, please see your Buildlogic Client Administrator.