If you have entered cost to complete figures on a line and you want to start again or clear the figures from the entire forecast you have two options, you can remove cost to complete figures associated with each line or you can remove all cost to complete figures from the entire forecast.
To remove single line CTC figures:
As you can see below I have a CTC on the second line, you can tell as there is a yellow icon next to the CTC figure
If you click the yellow icon it will bring up a breakup of costs screen, from here you can remove the costs to complete associated with that line, you can remove one or all costs associated if you wish, by clicking the delete button and saving changes.
To remove ALL CTC figures: (These figures cannot be recovered once removed)
If you wish to remove every cost to complete figure from the current forecast, look for the 'other functions' menu at the top right hand side of the screen. In this menu you will have two options, reset all cost to complete figures will remove all cost to complete lines and allow you to start over.