*To back date the sync you need to be a client administrator*
If you have a transaction that you are trying to pull into Buildlogic and it does not seem to be coming across one thing to try is to make a small change to the transaction in the accounting system before running a Buildlogic sync.
When Buildlogic runs a sync with the accounting system it searches back a set amount of time and pulls accounting system data into a holding area inside Buildlogic, it is set up this way as searching back a long period of time would cause unnecessary delays, searching through old data that is probably irrelevant by the time that sync is run.
Due to the fact the sync is searching back a set amount of time older transactions may be missed, in the past the way to get around this was to 'backdate' the sync; while this is still possible, a back dated sync may be searching through massive amounts of data, which can cause significant delays.
Backdating Sync:
System > Accounting System Info > Edit - Login Tab
A better way to get around backdating the sync would be to make a small change to the transaction in the accounting system and then running an accounting system sync afterwards in Buildlogic. A change to the memo data or the description such as adding a . or a letter will achieve the desired result.
This will cause the transaction to 'stick out' and Buildlogic will notice the change and pull the transaction across regardless of the date