If your table in a Buildlogic template is producing similar to below it could be caused by a setting in the template itself:
Find the template in question by going to the reports menu in Buildlogic
Reports > Reports and Templates
(Highlight the template you are having a problem with, in this example I am using the contract template)
Other Functions > Download Template
When you have downloaded the template open it up and find the table that is not producing correctly
Right click on this table and click 'Table Properties' (you may have to click a different spot on the table if you are not seeing this option)
If 'text wrapping' is set to 'Around' it will cause the table to not produce correctly as other text is trying to position itself around the table
Ensure this setting is set to 'none'
Once you have corrected the table save the template and navigate back to the screen from which you downloaded the template earlier.
Make sure the same selection is highlighted (contracts in my example) open the other functions menu and select upload template
Click choose file and select the template that you just fixed, click open and then click upload file.