- Select the Forecasting icon
- The screen will open – showing the forecast.
- You can see the information at different levels from the View by: dropdown – Trade, Trade and Cost Code and Trade and Reference Code.
- Go to the Select Jobs dropdown and select more than one of your jobs in the list. You can then select the Refresh button and run the forecast for all the selected jobs at the one time. This means you can run the forecast over all your jobs independent to what Accounting System company file they are linked too.
- The Icon key dropdown shows the following 3 symbols.
- The Orange Icon indicates that a Cost to Complete has been done against that line item
- The Green Icon indicates that you can do a Cost to Complete at that line level
- The Red Icon indicates that a Cost to Complete was done at a higher level and you can’t do a Cost to complete against that line item
Cost to Complete
- A Cost to Complete can be done at 4 levels;
- Trade;
- Trade & Cost Code;
- Trade & Reference Code; or
- Trade Cost Code & Reference Code Level.
- If you do a Cost to Complete at the Trade level, all items in the trade show the red symbol or if you do it at one of the lower levels, the Trade level will show the red symbol
- To do a Cost to Complete against a line item in your forecast, click on a row that has a green icon and then click on the green Plus symbol.
- A new screen called the Breakup of Costs is displayed.
- In this display you can select the New button and add any additional expenses or reductions that are expected against the job.
- If you did a Cost to Complete at the Trade level, it will show the Orange icon and every level under it will have the Red icon.
- Depending on the figure you put at the Trade level – gain or loss - it will be distributed across all items in that trade.
- Go to view by option and view by Trade & Cost code and Trade Cost and Reference code to see the red symbol displayed against every item in that trade. This means you can’t do a Cost to Complete at the lower levels.
- If you decide to do a Cost to Complete at the Trade level for one trade, you don’t have to do this for every trade. Some trades you might want to do at the lowest level.