If your file system token has expired, the connection will need to be reset. 

You will receive an error when trying to produce templates, that indicates the token expiry.

The connection reset can be done by our support team: support@buildlogic.com.au 

Get in touch and let us know your file system token has expired, when the connection is reset, follow the steps below to reconnect.

First open your browser in incognito mode (prevents auto filling login credentials) 3 dots top right of screen 

or Ctrl + Shift + N for chrome.


  1. Open Buildlogic as you normally would, navigate to the system menu and select settings
  2. Navigate to the File System tab
  3. From here you will need to select the corresponding connect button, One Drive, SharePoint or Dropbox, depending on which file sharing software you use.
(It is important that you log in using the correct account, so that read/save access is available for the Buildlogic folder)
After you reconnect to your file sharing software, you can check the reconnection has worked by attempting to produce a template, 
Find one that you normally produce, e.g. Purchase Orders, Contracts, etc and confirm it produces without error.