In the past we were able to leave the password for the internal MYOB Administrator account blank and would still be able to to link to Buildlogic.

This is no longer the case in the Web version as it presents a security risk.

Please note: this does not refer to the email account used to access MYOB in the Cloud, this is the internal MYOB user account which can be found under the Setup - User Access section in MYOB.

If you do not have a password set on your internal Administrator account in MYOB you will need to configure one there first.

Once you have it configured you can then enter the password in the Buildlogic System - Accounting System Info section and then link can then be established correctly.

Alternatively you could configure a specific user in MYOB for Buildlogic to link with. Please ensure that this user is unrestricted though as it can be difficult to track issues if restrictions are put on the user account.

For you own security no one needs to know the password for this user other than the person that configures it in Buildlogic and this user should not be used to log into MYOB directly.