Activating Gantt Chart on the Web.

Do you want to use the Buildlogic Gantt Chart?  This is an add-on module to your Buildlogic.   Please decide how many users are required to have access to the Gantt Chart module and contact Buildlogic at with the number of users.      The fee for this module will be added to your monthly subscription.

Buildlogic Client Administrator function - once you have been notified that the license count has been added, please go to System/User and License and highlight the user(s) who need access and select Edit.   When the module list is displayed for each user, highlight the module called Gantt Charting and tick the box and select Save Changes.



Once the user signs back into Buildlogic, there will be a new Icon at the bottom of the Job List screen.


Building a Gantt Chart

On highlighting a job and selecting the Gantt Chart button, something similar to the following will be displayed.



The blue bar shows the job number, the start and end dates, Sort ID, Colour and Days (duration of the task).  The start and end days are taken from the start and end dates that are set against the job.    

The second bar shows the Job Scheduled dates which can be set by yourself.   They initially default to the same dates as the job dates.

The buttons at the top of the screen are self-explanatory.



Below are the 3 main functions in Gantt Chart.

  1. Adding / Changing Tasks

If you right click on the bar area of the chart, the following appears.

You can select to add, delete or view task or subtask details.    

The last option allows you to change a task from a sub task to a main task.

The information displayed if you add or look at the task details is as follows.  Notice that the Sort ID has a number of 11 auto allocate to it.   This is to allow you to have the ability to move items around and by auto allocate 11 it allows you to move 10 tasks between the 1 and 11 if required.  Sort IDs can be changed.

Resources can be an employee, a contractor, supplier or a contract or purchase order which are picked from the dropdown which shows a list of your contacts and purchases/contracts.    When you add a resource to a task, their name appears at the end of the task bar.



If you add a task that lasts for only a part of a day or one day, it will show on that day as a single black triangle as shown below.



When adding a task, you can also select to use a different colour for the task.  Click into the Colour column, select your colour and        tab out of the field to save and then select the green Refresh button top right of screen.   The task will change colour.  



  1. Bar Changes


You can change the dates of tasks by either right clicking and editing the Task details or by clicking on the beginning or end of the task bars and dragging to the left or right.   


If there are any linked tasks, the jobs for those tasks will also change.

If you hover over a task, in the dropdown box, you can see Start and Completion dates – Estimate of hours (based on 8 hours per day) and number of hours left to complete (based on 8 hours per day.

A task that is less than 1 day show a single bar.



  1. Linking Tasks

Tasks can be linked to other tasks in the Gantt Chart.    This may be because a certain task must be completed before another task begins.

To link tasks, if you click on the end of a task, a small circle is displayed, click on this circle and drag your mouse to the beginning of the task that it is to be linked too.   A thin line with an arrow will show that the tasks are linked.




Special Functions in the Gantt Chart

  1. Using an Existing Gantt Chart as a Template for Multiple Jobs

If you have set up a Gantt Chart against one job in Buildlogic, and you want to use the same format for other jobs, there is a new copy function on the Job/Edit – Details Tab/Other info where you can pick an existing job with a Gantt Chart and copy the Gantt Chart into the new job.

Please note, this function can only be used once and once a Gantt chart has some tasks, this option will disappear from the job edit page.

This function becomes very useful as you don’t need to start every Gantt Chart from scratch.

  1. Gantt Chart across Multiple Jobs


At the top of the Gantt Chart there is a Select Jobs dropdown.   Do you ever have a need to see multiple jobs in the one Gantt Chart?    From the dropdown you can select to display multiple jobs in the Gantt Chart.


  1. Filter function for Specific Resources


At the top of Gantt Chart there is a Select resources option.    In this list is a dropdown of resources plus any POs or Contracts that have been raised against the job.


A good use of this feature is if you want to look at a particular resource and see if they have been used on multiple jobs and check that the resource is not overlapping jobs.


  1. Viewing Gantt Chart Entries in the Calendar View

In the Calendar view is a tick box which if ticked, will show the Gantt chart information in your Calendar.  You can access the Calendar from your ToDo list on your Dashboard for the job by either clicking on View Calendar from the To Do section of the Dashboard or the calendar icon at the top of the screen.

Gantt chart tasks are displayed as follows in the Calendar view.