1. Approval Processes for Contract Claims - Three different approval processes have been added for contract progress claim approvals..   Clients have been requesting approval processes for some time and it is here in this release.    Please ensure you go to Help - bottom left of screen, search for approval and you will be able to download the document on how to use it.

2. Variation Screen Changes - Approval processes have been in the system for Head Contract Variations from the beginning.

In line with the changes to the view for contract progress claim approvals, the view for Variations has also changed to maintain a consistent look across the application.   This is the new grid view for variations approval section.

3. Contacts - Multi-companies - If you are running multi companies in the Buildlogic connected to different accounting systems, then when you select a supplier from the dropdown when creating Purchase Orders, you will only see the supplier relevant to the company file the job is linked too plus any that are not linked.

4. New EOT Grid for Template - The following Grid has been developed and can be included in the EOT word template.

If you would like to include this in your EOT templates, please contact support@buildlogic.com.au and they can provide you with the template.

5. EOT -  Projected Completion Date - This date is now showing on the screen where you create the EOT.