The ability to assign different user access has been shifted to the site administrator for greater convenience and control.
If you have an employee start or leave your business you may need to allow or remove access to certain modules on Buildlogic.
To do this you will need Buildlogic administrator access
Open the System menu and navigate to 'User & License'
Edit the user you would like to add or remove modules from
Under the Modules heading you will notice a series of selection boxes,
Ticking or unticking these boxes will add or remove modules from a user
If you unallocate these from an existing user the licenses will become available to be reallocated to any user of your choice,
When you unselect a module and hit save you will notice the availability numbers update.
The 'License Availability' heading displays two numbers,
The first number indicates how many spare licenses you have available
The second number indicates the total number of licenses available for your site
If you have 0 licenses left to allocate or 0 available for a module you need, you will need to contact Buildlogic to procure more licenses.