1. New Navigation for Jobs - The new navigation for jobs is in this release. Once in a job, you no longer need to go back to the job list to access the functions you need to use for the job. For example, if you need to go to variations, you can select the Variation icon on the left as show in this screenshot below.
A new document called Job Navigation available from the Help icon bottom left on each screen in Buildlogic. Search for Navigation and you can then download the document that explains the new navigation.
2. New Dashboard - March 2022 - When you open up your Buildlogic, you will presented with the new Dashboard. This dashboard allows all users to only have on their dashboard information they require.
A document on how to use the Dashboard is available from the Help icon bottom left on each screen in Buildlogic. Search for Dashboard and you can then download the document that explains the widgets available.
3. Sending Attachments to Accounting System - This release allows you to attach multiple attachments to a supplier invoice or subbie payment that is processed in Buildlogic and for the attachment(s) to be sent to the Accounting System when the transaction is sent. The eliminates double handling of the document if you want them save in both Buildlogic and your Accounting System.
To make this process simpler, you can now drag the documentation onto the same screen when the transaction is being processed as shown below.
A note type of Invoice is created if it doesn't already exist in your system and a copy of the document(s) is saved automatically on the Notes tab.
FYI - Pulling from the Accounting System will be in the mid-March release.
4. Job Percentage Complete - Widget on new Dashboard - The percentage complete on used in the Job Summary widget is determined by the selected calculation set up by your Buildlogic client Administrator for your site.
There are 4 options available as show in the screenshot below.
5. Estimating - Quantity & Rate Cals - These functions are now available in the web Estimating. These functions were available in the desktop version of Buildlogic. If you want to use, please have your Buildlogic Client Administrator activate as this is an option function.
Once activated, when building an Estimate, you need to double click in the quantity and rate columns and a popup box will appear to allow you to build the calculations..
6. Mobile - Site Diary - If you are using the site diary, there has been a small change on the mobile to include 2 new check boxes.
The Current User box is ticked automatically – you will only see your own site diaries.
The Submitted box defaults to not being ticked so you will only see Site Diaries in the list that have been unsubmitted.
If you want to see old site diaries, tick the box.
7. Estimate Search Function - When creating an Estimate report via Estimates/Create Reports, the search function has been added making it easier to find the Estimate you are looking for. Especially useful if you have a large number of Estimates.
8. WIP report - A new WIP report is now available. If you would like to use the WIP report, it will need to be loaded on your site. Please send an email to support@buildlogic.com.au and it will be organised.
Here is an example of the WIP report. This report is in Excel and has many columns. When the report is first produced, you need to enable editing for all the columns to calculate.