When you are set up as a user, your landing page will either be the Estimate List, Job List or Dashboard. Your client administrator can set the landing page against your user details.
1. Accessing via the Dashboard
When you sign-on to Buildlogic and your landing page has been set as the Dashboard, you can have widgets set up that will take you to either Estimates or Jobs. The widgets are called – Job Summary and Estimate Widget.
1.1 - Job Summary Widget
This widget gives you a quick overview of how your job or jobs are progressing.
Notice from this widget, the Job, variations and claimed information are hyperlinks. You can click on any of these hyperlinks and you are taken directly to that function for the job.
Using Dashboard to go to specific functions, opens the navigation screen. For example, if you click on a Job, you will be taken to the job detail screen, as shown below.
Notice that the modules you have access to are displayed on the left of the screen. In this case, as we are at the job details tab, the icon Job Edit has a blue box around it.
If I want to go directly to variations for this job, I click on the HC Variations icon and I am taken directly to the variation function. The HC Variation Icon now has the blue box around it.
With the Icons on the left, you can now navigate to any function for this job.
Remember, you will only see Icons for the modules you have access too.
1.2 Changing to a different Job
On the orange bar, there is a little a dropdown field where you can get a list of the Jobs you have access too. Start typing some information about the jobs you have access too will appear and you can select the job you want to go too.
Note, if you have been working in POs, and you go to another job, it will open up at the POs.
1.2 - Estimate Widget
This widget provides you a list of Estimates you have access too.
You can use the search field (small magnifying class) to search for the estimate you require in the list.
When you click on the Estimate Number, which is the hyperlink, you will be taken to the Estimate Detail tab.
On the right side are two icons. The first one creates a job with all lines taken across to a job whether they have a value or not. The second one will only take lines across to the job with values, therefore dropping out all no value lines.
To go to the Estimate Trades, click on the Estimate Trade icon on the left and the trade list will open up. You can select with Trade you want to open either by the open button or by double clicking.
1.3. Changing to a different Estimate
On the orange bar, there is a little a dropdown field where you can get a list of the Estimates you have access too.. Start typing some information about the jobs you have access too will appear and you can select the job you want to go too.
2. Going back to the Dashboard
On the orange bar, there is a one other symbol that looks like a house. Click on this symbol and you will be taken back to the Dashboard for you can click on the company logo, top left to go back.
3. Original Job & Estimate List
If you need to go to your job or estimate list, go to the Job or Estimate dropdown and select List.
From this screen, if you select your job, you will be taken to the fast navigation screen as disucussed above.