1.  Estimating - Changes to Navigation - The Estimating module in Buildlogic has been upgraded to have the same look and feel as the Jobs navigation.

On opening up the selecting and Estimate,  you will be presented with a the Estimate detail tab. yellow.

From here you can select on the icon, highlighted in yellow above, and open up the Trade list screen.

On selecting one of the trades, you will be presented with a screen similar to the following.

From this screen you can navigate through each of the trades via the list on the left, making it much quicker to work through the trades in the job.

Also, if you want to move to another Estimate, use the Change Estimate Selection box.  Start typing in the new Estimate name and it will appear and you will be taken to that Estimate.

To go back to your Dashboard, click on the small house icon on the orange bar.

Note:   If you have started accessing your jobs via the Dashboard, there is now a new widget for Estimating.   From this widget you can search for your Estimate and click on the blue hyperlink to take you to the Estimate.