1. Estimating -New Columns and information in Estimate List - 2 new columns have been added to the Estimate List plus the contacts phone number is next to the contact's name..   The new columns are Status and Category.

For both Status and Category to work, the Client Administrator must set up the lists under System/Lists as shown in the second screenshot.   Once they are set up they can be chosen on the Estimate Detail Tab and they will then appear in the columns on the Estimate List screen.

Note:  If the new columns are not showing, tick the show archive box and then untick and the columns should appear.

2. Estimating - Estimate Detail Line Colours - When working in an Estimate, you now have the ability to highlight lines with a different colour.   There is a new colour selection box at the top right.     

Tick the line (or lines) you want to colour, select the colour from the colour selection box and click on the small icon to the right of the colour selection box to apply the colour to the ticked lines.

3. Estimating - Estimate Detail Tab - new fields - On the Estimate Details tab - new fields have been added.   They are  Estimate Markup $s, Tax on Total Contract and Total Contract incl Tax.

Note:  For this to display on existing estimates, please select the apply Markup button and the fields will be filled in.