1. Estimating Change - If using the Price List function in Buildlogic when building your Estimates, and the Price List gets updated, there is a new button on the Estimate Details tab which will run through the Estimate and update any price changes.
This new button is under the dropdown section called Contract Values on the Estimate Details tab.
2. Variation Status - The Variation Status was not changing if you changed a Variation from Rejected to Waiting Approval. This has been fixed in this release.
3. Variation Summary & Detail Reports - These report two reports have been pushed to production. To produce these reports go to the following and use the filters available Summary or Detailed, plus you can filter for what type of Variation you are wanting to look at - Waiting Approval, Part Approved, Approved, Rejected or All.
4. Job Reports - 2 new reports have been pushed to production - Budget Summary & Budget Detail. They are available from Reports/Create Reports/Jobs.
5. New Job Report - the following report has been pushed into production with this release. - Job Summary. It is available from Reports/Create Reports/Jobs.