1. Head Contract Progress Claims - A small change has been made in this release to assist with claiming. When you claim, if you type in figures or %s against individual lines in your claim, you had to either tab through the field or use the mouse to go to the next line. In this release, if you type a figure or % against the first item you want to claim and then hit the enter tab, you will be taken to the next line in the same column to add the next amount of %.
2. Dindo Import Change - In Dindo, you can use different formats to include bolded lines in to break up estimate detail within a trade. These lines look like headers. Buildlogic accommodates headers so when importing from Dindo, the import procedure will look at lines that have no quantity, unit or rate and convert them to Header Line 1s in Buildlogic.
If you want to use this function, there is a new tick box under System/Settings/Other tab that needs to be checked. Your Buildlogic Client Administrator has access to this function.
3. Contact List - A new ABN column has been added to the contact list screen.
4. Job List - An additional column has been added on the right to the Job List which displays the Job Owner.