- Where do I find the Template?
Go to the reports menu and select reports and templates – you will need to have been given access to this function by your Buildlogic Client Administrator.
Use the search box to find the template you want to edit. Highlight template you want to edit.
From the other functions menu select the option to download the template. You can edit your template as per instructions below then upload it again when finished.
- Editing mail existing merge templates
Step One – Editing Fields
Mail merge fields can be edited by right clicking on the field and selecting the edit button.
Once the edit button has been clicked, a screen like the one below should appear. Please take note, the only field Buildlogic is linked to on this screen is the one highlighted in Red. Please feel free to edit the Format options if required.
Please note, the field name highlighted above, must match with a field listed in the GetFields Txt documented created when you are highlighted on the word report in the reports\reports and templates menu. See screen shot below
Step Two – Copying Fields
If you want to add a new field, the easiest way is to select another field with the desired formatting, select it, making sure you select the whole field including the brackets, right clicking and copy it and then pasting it where you want the new field.
Once you have pasted the field, right click to edit it and replace the field name from the list for this template from the Buildlogic field list. Note, if you click into the field grid in Buildlogic, the field name is automatically copied to your clipboard.
Step Three - Manually Fixing the Tables
The tables allow users to pick which fields they want to show in a table, in whatever order they want and also allows for totals to be optionally written into the table. A lot of templates have very similar tables, so if you already have an existing template, it is best to just copy the whole table from the that template and then modify some fields if required.
- Creating a template from Scratch
Step One - Setting Up the Table Range
The new tables are defined within RangeStart and RangeEnd fields. At the start of the table (row the data starts on and column 1), you must enter the RangeStart field. E.g. «RangeStart:ItemsExTax».
Note, the :ItemsExTax comes from the text document generated from the get fields list as shown below. The field list is located in the other functions menu in the reports and templates menu.
The table name is the grid and the items below are fields that can be used in that table.
At the end of the table (row the data starts on and the last column), you must enter the RangeEnd field. e.g. «RangeEnd:ItemsExTax». Please note, the syntax must be exactly like it is defined and it is case sensitive.
Once you have added these fields, the table should now look like
Important tip – to preserve table column formatting, please right click on the table and select table properties – click Options and ensure the setting “Automatically resize to fit contents” is unticked.
Step Two - Inserting Table Fields
Table fields are defined in the get fields txt file, located in the other functions menu.
To insert these fields into the table, copy an existing field from the main document and edit it. e.g. This example has the Comments field copied.
Now, right click on the field and edit the field name. Pick on the names from the Report Maintenance Update page. E.g. I used the Description field below
Now complete the other fields and your grid can look something like this.
Step Three - Inserting Table Totals
You can choose to optionally insert totals into our tables. Totals are just like any other normal field and can be added to the table in additional rows, after the RangeEnd field. e.g. the table below shows the total ex tax amount, GST and total incl tax amounts have been added.
Description |
| Qty | Units | Rate | Amount ($) |
| «SupplierItemReference»
| «Quantity»
| «Units»
| «ExTaxRate»
| «ExTaxAmount» «RangeEnd:ItemsExTax» |
Total excluding GST: |
| «AmountExTax» |
GST component: |
| «GSTAmount» |
Total including GST: |
| «AmountInclTax» |
- Testing your Template
Existing Templates
Once your template has been saved, if you have not changed the name of your template, go back to Reports/Reports and Templates, find your existing set up, highlight and then to Other Functions and select upload template. Your template will overwrite the existing template.
You can then go to the function in Buildlogic where the template is to be run from, select a job/estimate and run out the updated template to make sure it is correct.
New Templates
If it is a new will need to upload your template first and then define it to the Buildlogic application. In Reports/Reports and templates from the Other functions dropdown, select Upload template. You will be prompted to find your stored template on your desktop or filing system.
Once upload, select the New button and a screen similar to below will be displayed. This screen allows you to define where the template is to be produced from if running multiple Accounting System company files which one you want the report activate for. Please make sure that mail merge type and category are correct.