1.   Mobile Purchase Orders - This function is now available on the mobile.  It is the last module to be added to the Site Supervisor Suite.   If you want your site staff to use this function, your Buildlogic Client Administrator will need to update their user profile against the mobile apps module.

2.  Header Jobs - Header Jobs allows you to link jobs together and report at a header level.   For example,  a development is a good example.   You may do the development phase as 1 job and then the construction as a different jobs.   All transactions will be done in the individual jobs but then can be reported together at a header level.   A new document has been added to the Knowledge Base with details on how to set up Header jobs.  It can be accessed from the Help icon at the bottom left of the screens in Buildlogic 

3.  Subbie Portal Changes - Two changes - Subbies can now enter their own variations the portal which can then either be accepted or rejected by the Contract owner.   There are 2 documents in the Knowledge Base, that can be accessed from the Help icon at the bottom left of the screens in Buildlogic.   One document is for the subbies and the other for web users.

The next is an enhancement to the widget on the dashboard.   The Job number has been added to the widget.   Making it easier to see which job the claims are attached too.

4.  Inactive Jobs & Timesheets - a small change has been made here.   When you make a job inactive, the active flag for is active for timesheets is also removed.

5. Cash Flow Changes - changes have been implemented in the cashflow which allows you to put a % against the first row in the income and/or expenses  and you can now use the copy down function to apply to all other lines.

What is coming - Approval process will be implemented in our next release for Purchase Orders.    It will be the same process that is used for Contract Progress Claim Approvals.