Contractors that regularly submit their claims to Buildlogic on a monthly basis may complete their claims via the Contractor Claim Portal.


  1. Correct wording Insurances/Documentation – Buildlogic Client Administrator Function


For this to work correctly, if you have been, or are planning to save subbie insurance or documentation against a subbie’s contact details, the wording for the insurance information needs to match the following exactly.


Public Liability Insurance

Workcover Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurer


To set up or change the wording, please go to System/List/Certificate types.



  1. Setting the Date – Buildlogic Client Administrator Function


A date needs to be set for the automatic email to be sent to the selected subbies.   This is set up under System/Settings/Contracts.



  1. Setting up Compulsory Insurances Requirement


Under System/Settings – Other Tab, there is a checkbox that needs to be ticked if you want to make it compulsory for a subbie to attach their insurance details when they make a claim.     


The Workers Comp and Public Liability are the two insurances that are compulsory once this has been ticked.


Once ticked, it becomes compulsory for all subbies who are submitting claims via the portal.





  1. Selecting the Subbies


On the Contact/detail page, the following checkbox needs to be ticked.   The Subbie will be added to the recurring email job.  It is at the bottom right of the screen.



Note:   You only need to nominate selected subbies to use this function.



  1. Automatic Email


An email like the one below will be sent on a monthly basis as per a day of the month that was set as above in section 2.


This is an automatically generated email requesting you to submit your invoices, if any, before 11-Aug-2023.

 Please submit your claim(s) by clicking 

If you do not have any invoices that need submitting this month, please ignore this message.


Your company name.

Note:  The link in this email will stay active for 5 days as standard.   If you want the link to stay active for 10 days, please let Buildlogic support know and they will change the duration for you.


If you need to manually resend an email, to use this function go back into the subbie’s contact card and the hit the small envelop icon at the bottom of the page where you activated the subbie for the portal. 



  1. What does the Subbie See?


When a supplier/subcontractor clicks on the "here" secure link in their email, they will be taken to a website page where they can view their current contracts and submit any claims.


The portal also allows them to check their insurance details that are currently saved in Buildlogic, that they are up to date, add new certifications and attach any supporting documentation they want to submit along with their claim.


Note: If a supplier/subcontractor has more than one contract, they will only receive one email and they can access the multiple contracts from the dropdown on the first screen after they have clicked "here”.


This is a very simple 5 step process.





Step 1 - pick the contract you want to claim against




Step 2 - enter the claim and any comments






Step 3 – enter Variations



Step 4 - check any supporting documents including insurances are up to date



Step 5 - preview the invoice and submit the claim




Note:  At this point the supplier/subcontractor can also add information to support their claim.


  1. What happens on web after Submission?


After the claim is submitted, the contract owner, as set up on the Contract Detail screen, will be able to process the new claim.    



In the Contract Owner’s dashboard there is a widget called, Contract claims received via Subbie Portal, which will list any claims that are waiting to be processed.   



Note:  For this widget to work correctly, the Contract Owner must tick the jobs they have access too on the left-hand side of the dashboard as this is what drives the information into the dashboard widgets.


Also, at the top of the screen a red blinking dot will also indicate that there are claims to be process.    


Submitted claims, can be accessed from both these places.


Note:  If updated copies of insurances have been submitted with the claim, these will be saved against the subbie’s Contact details on the Certificate Tab.


  1. Variations on Portal Claims

When processing a claim, if the subbie has submitted a Variation, this can be approved or rejected via the button on the Contract Progress Claim screen.



If you accept the variation, it will then form part of the subbies contract, change the contract value and you can then approve or reject the claim amount the same way you approve the other lines



Next month, when the subbie does their claim, via the portal,   the variation will be displayed as part of the items on the contract.


Note:  The variation becomes a Contract Claim.   You will need to decide whether you also need to raise a Variation to your client or whether the Variation is accepted as a change but not charged to the client.


  1. Report

A report called Subbie progress Claim invitation emails for period is available in Buildlogic.

It is available from Reports/Create Reports/Contracts & Contract Variations.