
Forecasting and Management 

To view your forecast, open your job from the job summary widget on the dashboard.    Go to the forecast module button, on the left-hand side.

The forecast displays your budget along with costs for one or it can be for multiple jobs. You can select multiple jobs by clicking on the select jobs dropdown and then hitting the refresh button.

You can run the forecast over all your jobs independent to what Accounting System company file they are linked too.

All data is displayed based on the reference codes that have been used in Buildlogic.    You can view your job data by Trade, trade and cost code, trade and reference and trade, cost and reference.     The preferred option is trade, cost and reference as this is the lowest level.   Buildlogic allows you to enter cost to complete values at this level. 

You also have the flexibility of being able to forecast different levels for each trade.     For example, you may forecast Preliminaries at the detailed level but you need to forecast one of the other Trades at the Trade level.


The icon key shows, explained in the dropdown, show what level you did a cost to complete at.    Once you have added at one level it is locked off from making cost to complete changes at another level.

The Orange Icon indicates that a Cost to Complete has been done against that line item.

The Green Icon indicates that you can do a Cost to Complete at that line level.

The Red Icon indicates that a Cost to Complete was done at a another level and you can’t do a Cost to complete against that line item.