Subbie Portal Notification

Email to Subbies re Portal

To set a Contractor up to receive the subbie portal email, there are a few settings that need to be configured. You will need admin access to set these settings.  The wording of the certificate types needs to be as per this screen shot as new insurance documentation can be added as part of the portal and the information needs to be correct to match.  You have the option to make it compulsory that insurance information is submitted if their insurance details are out of date before they can proceed to creating their claim.   To set this option, you will need to speak with your Buildlogic Client Administrator. 

The date the email goes out is also configured in the same location. On the contractor’s card, on the details tab in the other details dropdown, there is a setting at the bottom right-hand corner to select if that contractor is to receive the automatic email to allow them to process their claims.  This tick box is contractor specific and only the contacts ticked will receive and automatic email.  It is also compulsory that there is an email address in the email for orders so this email can go out.