1. Mobile Timesheet Change - When entering timesheets, top right of the screen where you enter details is a new icon with a keyboard. You can toggle this on and off. If it is toggle on a keyboard is displayed when entering information such as the job. Instead of scrolling through the list, you can now start typing some characters and it will search the list.
2. Forecast - There is a new box across the top of the forecast screen that shows the project profit for the job as a Percentage (%). This has always been shown a $ amount. Now both are there.
3. QR codes - check in - check out hints - if you want to record where users are checking in and out, please make sure that location services are turned to on, on their phone so that this information is recorded.
Also, if a user has problems checking out, it is possible they have private browsing turned on. This needs to be turned off so the check in information is cashed to allow for the check out.
4. Split Lines - Price Lists - If you have price lists set up in your Buildlogic,, you can now use items from the price list against split lines in your job. Split the line and go to the item # column on the split line. On the right of the screen is a Priced items button. On selecting this button, you will be presented with your priced items and you can select to insert one or many lines at the one time.
5. Mobile - Jobs Displayed in Timesheets - If you have users who only work on jobs that are in the same accounting entity the user is registered too, there is a new tick box on the System/Settings/Other tab that can be ticked to remove any other jobs list on the mobile the belong to other entities.
5. Job edit page and Map new tab - site address can now be searched and dropped onto a map. We have added this feature so that timesheets start and submitted locations can be easily compared against the job site address. If the timesheet was started and submitted while within 100m of the site address, the timesheet confirm page will show an icon like this
If the timesheet was submitted outside the 100m radius, the icon will look like this.
This will make it a lot faster to work out of users are entering timesheets on or around the job site.