1.  Sync - new feature - Client Administrator function - This release has a new feature where you can pick a date range and run a small Sync.  You can run it just for Customer payments, supplier payments and Contacts.   This feature is available from the System/Accounting System Info.


When you select the Run Sync for Period, the box below pops up.   This will run a Sync only for the dates specified and must be 10 days or less.    This will alleviate the need to run a full sync if say a payment is not showing in Buildlogic.

2.  Purchase Order - Copy and Paste Items - Currently in Buildlogic when creating a subbie contract, you can copy the details from an Excel to create the contract.   With this release you can now use this same feature to create POs.   This is the excel import format required. When copying from the excel, ensure you also copy to header line.


TradeCost codeReferenceDescriptionQtyUnitsRateAmountTax codeDetailLineLevel
18SC38101Quote from Mclaughlan1Item385212385212GST0
18PL10143Floor 10Item00GST2
18SC38104Fire Services Quote1Item48584858GST0

Under the other functions dropdown is a new option - 

3.  Job List - Additional Column - When you bring up your jobs list, there is now a new column to the right which shows the Project GP %.   This is being picked up from the Forecast.  

4.  Estimate Import Format - In the detail screen on an estimate, at the bottom of the screen,  you can export the whole estimate and it includes the Cost and Reference Codes.   You can then use this export if you have another Estimate you want to input without having to continually go back and check what cost and reference codes you have in Buildlogic.    

Some clients have header 1 and header 2 inside trades.   There has been a change to this import to all for this.   The codes to be used are H1 and H2.

5.  Contract Progress Claims/Details Tab - new field - Retention deposit Date - with the trust accounting requirements in Qld, this field can be used on the documentation required to be produced for compliance.   If you want this field in your word template the field name needs to be added to the template - RetentionDepositDate.