1. New function - Ability to attach documents when sending to AS - some clients wanted to send their progress claim document across to their accounting system, when the transaction goes across. Your Buildlogic Administrator can go into Reports/Reports and Templates, find the word template you are using and tick the box as shown below. When you select to send the progress claims, the documentation will be automatically created and also be pushed to your Accounting system with the transaction.
If using multiple templates in Buildlogic, each template will need to be updated by ticking the box, by your Buildlogic Administrator.
2. Additional column in AS feed - We have added a job number column to the AS feed, to allow users to more easily identify which jobs transactions relate to.
3. Indication for subcontracts, when a transaction is sent to the centralised sending area - Subcontracts we have added a "Pending Sync" message when a transaction from a subcontract claim is sent to the centralised sending area. This will allow users to more easily identify when a claim has already been sent and is waiting on final send to AS.
4. Make contact insurance certificates mandatory when creating contract claims - In System > Lists > Certificate types, we have added a check box which will allow admin users to make certain certificates compulsory when creating subcontract claims. The system will check whether an up to date certificate is assigned to that contact for any certificates that are checked in this screen.
5. Delete additional contact/addresses on contact cards - Previously users were unable to remove additional contact/address entries on a contact card, users are now able to remove any that are not required. This can be done from the contact card itself. Select the contact/address you would like to remove and check the "Deleted?" box.
6. Small change to default column width in subcontracts - Users will now see the check box on subcontract detail lines by default, previously this column was smaller, cutting the check box off from view.
7. Job % Complete added to progress claim detail page - Users can now check their job % complete when creating a progress claim, this will allow users on certain settings such as 'invoices paid' to keep track of how far they are through a job.
8. Import journals from Xero -
You can now pull your manual journal entries from Xero into Buildlogic.
It is important to make sure any entries in Xero get coded to a job that is linked and a cost of goods account that is linked with Buildlogic. The entries appear in the as feed ready for you to code them to the job. Once coded they will be displayed in the jobs menu, in general journals.
There is a setting in the Accounting system info, edit, other settings that you need to check and make sure it is not set to ignore journal entries. If not importing journals it is important that this tick box is ticked.
9. Create variation from selected budget row - You can now select rows in the budget and automatically create a positive or negative variation, the system will pull the data from the line into a variation for you automatically, making it easier to add or remove values from a jobs budget.
10. Reference codes by job - Lots of clients have requested the ability to limit their reference codes per each job,
This new function will allow you to choose your list of active reference codes by job rather than by the whole site, you can disable any unused codes to help with selection lists throughout the software. This video demonstrates how this will work in the system: https://youtu.be/lIoDbS8VlN4
11. Added an indication when a contact card doesn't have a charge rate set -
This should help users more easily identify when a contact card doesn't have a charge rate set up yet
12. Copy/paste data for purchase orders - Users will now be able to copy/paste from excel straight into their purchase detail table, using the below excel document format. Navigate to your other functions menu above the purchase detail table.
Trade | Cost code | Reference | Description | Qty | Units | Rate | Amount | Tax code | Header level 1 or 2 |
1 | LA-LABOURS | 10100-Project Manager | Header | 0 | item | $0.00 | $0.00 | GST (10%) | 1 |
1 | LA-LABOURS | 10100-Project Manager | test | 1 | item | $100.00 | $100.00 | GST (10%) | 0 |